Monday, February 14, 2011

V is for valentine

Being on maternity leave, I get to sleep in a little bit longer these days. The baby wakes me up constantly to nurse at night and I get interrupted sleep. I have to say, when I am woken up out of a deep sleep, I sure do remember my dreams! Although, ask me right now what they are about and I will give you a zombie stare.

Last night was no exception. She kept me up. Its quite amazing how much growing the human body has to do in the first year of life! If you put it into perspective, a baby quadruples in size over the first year. That sure is a lot of energy! So, I slept in...kind of. My little one woke me up with her squiggling and googling. She wanted to eat! I called her my little baby valentine.

One of the little enjoyments I have is sitting with my coffee and checking out facebook on my ipod. First thing, all those valentines posts. See, for me, facebook is my window on the K-Town community. I have gotten to know people through facebook, people that I normally wouldn't have the opportunity to get to know. I like it. I especially like it when it's someone's birthday and everyone posts a happy word or two. Facebook is, for all intents and purposes, a community. All the interesting ways people wish each other a happy valentines day was no exception.

So, the rest of the day was taken up with other things that need to get done. I make little lists for myself. If I didn't I would forget. I think they call it momnesia. Appropriate. I believe that has been made a real word! I also ventured out into the crazy weather. Thanks to the snowplow guy for plowing me in! The snow was heavy! As I shovelled I looked up at the darkest clouds. I wondered if I was going to hear thunder and see some lightening. It wouldn't surprise me. Climate change has been giving us some strange weather! I made it out and backed out of my driveway like a madwoman. I think the neighbour saw me! The roads were okay but as I left K-Town it was raining. On the west island it was snowing! It could be just me but sometimes the weather in K-Town is totally different from everywhere else. Anyway, as I was driving back, the CBC was reporting that it would be a flash freeze. There have been accidents all over the area in the last 24 hours. I am glad I get to stay close to home.

It's been a quiet evening.

I hear a funny thing today at Step by Step. A little boy was getting ready to leave. He was telling his Daddy about all the candy he got today and wanted to eat it. His father, under his breath says, Yah, when you I smiled because I totally got it! I am going to go now and make my kids' candy disappear....

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